Description: This notebook was made to demonstrate how to make a gif map by merging 2 datasets. The first being a dataset containing mappable coordinates onto which the second dataset may mapping its information of interest.
This lab is split into two sections.
- The first part of this lab provides help you understand the basics operations.
- The second part of this notebook provides a single python function that handles everything covered in this lab (and more).
- Dataset (points/ bounds) url
- Points/ bounds geometry column(s)
- Points/ bounds crs's
- Points/ bounds mapping color(s)
- New filename
Output: Files, Gif
*please note
- This lab in particular makes heavy use of data that is not publicly accessible. Later labs use functions created here on public data.
- A table of contents is provided in the menu to the left.
- And, that this notebook has been optimized for Google Colabs ran on a Chrome Browser.
- While still fully usable, non-critical section of code (eg. Python Magics and HTML) may break if used in a different enviornment.
!pip install geopandas
!pip install VitalSigns
pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)
pd.set_option('display.precision', 2)
from IPython.core.interactiveshell import InteractiveShell
InteractiveShell.ast_node_interactivity = "all"
# pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False)
# pd.set_option('display.precision', 2)
# pd.reset_option('max_colwidth')
pd.set_option('max_colwidth', 20)
# pd.reset_option('max_colwidth')
This next function was created in previous colabs. We are going to recycle it for use in this lab
regexMatchingColumnsToMakeTheGifWith = 'hhchpov'
# BNIA ArcGIS Homepage:
final = intaker.Intake.getData(""+regexMatchingColumnsToMakeTheGifWith.capitalize()+"/FeatureServer/0/query?where=1%3D1&outFields=*&returnGeometry=true&f=pgeojson")[['CSA2010', 'hhchpov15', 'hhchpov16', 'hhchpov17', 'hhchpov18', 'hhchpov19', 'geometry']]
Your data is all together in a single dataset.
now what?
First lets take the centerpoint of each geometry. This will be where we place text on the each geometry.
final['centroid'] = final['geometry'].representative_point()
pd.set_option('precision', 0)
fileNames = []
labelBounds = True
specialLabelCol = False # Labels on GEOM Centroids
saveGifAs = './test.gif'
label = 'Household Poverty'
annotation = 'Source: Maryland Vital Statistics; Analysis by: Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance'
Data was successfully merged across all years and geometry.
Now we want the tractname, geometry, and the specific column we want to make a gif from.
td = final.copy()
td = td.reindex(sorted(td.columns), axis=1)
# This will ensure numbers are rounded to whole digits when displaying the reults
gifCols = td.filter(regex=regexMatchingColumnsToMakeTheGifWith).columns.values
td[gifCols] = td[gifCols].fillna(-1)
td[gifCols] = td[gifCols].astype('int32')
Data exploration is essential! But not covered in this lab.
Everything is almost ready to start making our gifmap!
Lets just get the minimum and maximum values so that our color ramp will have consistent values on each picture.
mins = []
maxs = []
for col in td.filter(regex=regexMatchingColumnsToMakeTheGifWith).columns:
print(mins, maxs)
# set the min and max range for the choropleth map
vmin, vmax = min(mins), max(maxs)
print('Smallest Value: ', vmin, ', Max Value:', vmax)
merged = td.copy()
for indx, col in enumerate(merged.filter(regex="hhchpov").columns):
print('INDEX', indx)
print('Col: '+str(col) )
image_name = col+'.jpg'
# create map, UDPATE: added plt.Normalize to keep the legend range the same for all maps
fig = merged.plot(column=col, cmap='Blues', figsize=(10,10),
linewidth=0.8, edgecolor='0.8', vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax,
legend=True, norm=plt.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax)
if labelBounds:
labelColumn = col
if specialLabelCol: labelColumn = specialLabelCol
merged.apply(lambda x: fig.annotate(s=x[labelColumn], xy=x.geometry.centroid.coords[0], ha='center'),axis=1);
# remove axis off chart and set title
fig.set_title(str(col.replace("hhchpov", "Houshold Childhood Poverty 20")), fontdict={'fontsize': fontsize, 'fontweight' : '3'})
# create an annotation for the data source
xy=(0.1, .08), xycoords='figure fraction',
horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top',
fontsize=10, color='#555555')
# this will save the figure as a high-res png in the output path. you can also save as svg if you prefer.
# filepath = os.path.join(output_path, image_name)
chart = fig.get_figure()
# fig.savefig(“map_export.png”, dpi=300)
chart.savefig(image_name, dpi=300)
images = []
for filename in fileNames:
imageio.mimsave(saveGifAs, images, fps=.5)
# This will print out a picture of each picture in the gifmap.
from PIL import Image
import requests
from io import BytesIO
for filename in fileNames:
img =
size = 328, 328
img.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
# Change these values in the cell below using different geographic reference codes will change those parameters
# Group By Crosswalked column. Included automatically in final result
# Do Not Group, Include the Crosswalked Column in the final result
# Create the trav45 Indicator
state = '24'
county = '510'
tract = '*'
# Specify the download parameters the acs download function will receieve here
year = '19'
years = ['17', '16', '15']
tableId = 'B08303'
saveAcs = True
# Crosswalk Table
cwUrl = 'CSA-to-Tract-2010.csv'
cw_left_col = 'tract'
cw_right_col= 'TRACTCE10'
merge_how= 'CSA2010'
saveCrosswalked = True
crosswalkedFileName = False
groupBy = False # 'CSA2010'
aggMethod = 'sum'
columnsToInclude = ['CSA2010']
finalFileName = './trav45_20'+year+'_tracts_26July2019.csv'
# Alternatively - groupBy = False & columnsToInclude = ['CSA2010']
# This lower half is to merge to the geom
from dataplay import merge
# Secondary Table
right_ds = '*&returnGeometry=true&f=pgeojson'
right_col ='CSA2010'
interactive = True
merge_how = 'outer'
saveGifAs = './test.gif'
labelBounds = False # 'CSA2010'
annotation = 'Source: Baltimore Neighborhood Indicators Alliance'
title = 'Indicator Name'
td = finaldf.filter(regex="final|CSA2010|tract|geometry")
td = td.reindex(sorted(td.columns), axis=1)